Monday, January 25, 2010

Where To Buy Long Internet Cables Will My 100m Long Ethernet Cable Slow My Internet Down?

Will my 100m long ethernet cable slow my internet down? - where to buy long internet cables

so just about my new team, but now I have to the Internet, so I'd buy an Ethernet cable, 100m long, to connect the main router in another room because of its length, this slow down my internet? Oh, and theres like goin as my son 3 LAN port, 1 "for my Xbox 360, one for my family, and in the future, 1 new for my team, do you slow to the Internet? Thanks


mac_fixi... said...

It will not stop, but 100 meters is the maximum allowable length before reaching the signal loss - a shorter cable, or less far from the main router would be better.

DAVID S said...

100 is the maximum limit is 100 MB Ethernet. They need the best cables money can buy. If you dont have high-speed DSL (50 MB or more) should make no difference.

Have you thought about power lines? Connect the power adapter into a free plug on each end and each has an Ethernet port. It offers 200 Mbps wired to any point without end or wireless. See ... For details and several other vendors, such as Zytel, not this kind of set.

Jay (Ja-ja-ja-j UNIT!!) said...

No resident, not really, but you should seriously consider when using wireless extreme length. Do you really need 100?

Even if you want a permanent solution, you may want in the manufacture of sockets, look much better with a cable of 100 meters in the house.

unhollow... said...

Say, taking into account the many internet travel at the speed of light through all channels, I would not. If you use the Internet (the discharge of navigation, etc.). For all devices at once, then it is probably a little slower.

MattyMcM... said...

No slowdown in connection Ethernet cable. If you buy a wireless router, perhaps losing a bit of speed.

anonymou... said...

Do not slow down your PC or the Internet, regardless of the length of Ethernet cable. :)

anonymou... said...

Do not slow down your PC or the Internet, regardless of the length of Ethernet cable. :)

Anjiii F said...


pras sri said...

No, I do not think so ..

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